Clare Bourne is a South African trained physiotherapist with over 35 years of experience in musculoskelatal practice.
She worked in the USA at Texas Back Institute for several years and ran a private practice in South Africa. There Clare taught regularly on a post graduate manual therapy diploma course before settling in Jersey in 2007 with her family. She has worked in private practice ever since.
Clare treats all neuro-muscular-skeletal problems, which is any condition affecting your joints, nerves, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bone. This includes:
Back and neck pain - acute or persistent
Other joint problems, including hips, knees, stiff or painful shoulders
Tennis elbow
Post operative rehabilitation.
Areas of special interest:
Back and neck pain
Tendon and joint pain in the over 40s, including peri menopausal and menopausal women
Helping breast cancer patients to navigate post operative and long term management.